Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The Thames Path: day 2

Day 2
Putney - Kingston
20.85km / 12.96 miles
1,158 calories 
Cumulative total: 55.11km / 34.25 miles

I was still a bit stiff and creaky when I woke up this morning but day 2 awaited and I hoped that walking would loosen everything up. Luckily, that seemed to be the case and while there's still some stiffness at the end of the day it's not too bad.

For today's walk I was joined by two ladies from the Adventure Queens community - a group established by experienced adventurers Anna McNuff and Emma Frampton to get women outdoors. Maya and Jane are both part of the London section of the AQs; Maya and I have been attending regular virtual book and film club sessions throughout lockdown and it was good to chat in person! Jane met us in Richmond with her friendly labrador Blondie. The company helped make a very familiar bit of river fly by!

Chiswick Bridge
We started off in Putney, past the boathouses and the stretch of the Tideway I know so well. It was lowish tide and calm and there were plenty of scullers enjoying the flat water. It drizzled on and off as we kept on upstream, past Kew Bridge and Kew Gardens. I'd forgotten how long Syon Reach is - the long straight betweeen Brentford and the corner where the Pink Lodge stands. The Pink Lodge is the furthest you would normally ever row from Putney, about 11km upstream, and it's a little pink house right on the bank.

Around the corner stands Richmond Lock, and then Richmond. Every time I go to Richmond I wonder why I don't go there more often, it's such a pretty town (and my favoured place for a Sunday roast in normal times). Today, it was quiet in the mizzle and Maya and I stopped under a tree to have our lunch and wait for Jane.

With two new companions the 8km to Kingston positively flew by as we talked adventure and fitness, Life, the Universe and Everything. Before we knew it Jane was turning around to go back to her car, and Maya and I walked the last little bit to Kingston bridge and then parted at the station.

My feet are a bit blistered but no worse today than yesterday and judicious application of tape and plasters should get me through these first days while they toughen up (I hope). Tomorrow, I'm carrying my big bag and my camping stuff and giving my new tent its first outing. My main concern is getting my camping stove lit as the lighter I bought doesn't seem to want to light very easily. Ho hum. Wish me luck!

At the end of the day!

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